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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

The shoulder is a very complex joint that is required for many movements and activities. When an individual experiences pain, stiffness or reduced range of motion in the shoulder it can greatly affect their daily life. Because of the abilities of this joint, there is a wide range of injuries that can occur. From frozen shoulder and dislocations to soft tissue injuries like tendonitis and impingement. When seeking shoulder pain treatment, it’s important to work with a professional who understands the complexity of this joint and can accurately diagnose the injury to provide the most appropriate treatment.

The shoulder joint is a complex ball & socket joint & is responsible for multiple functions that make it more vulnerable to injury. 

Don't Let Your Shoulders Hurt You Anymore !

We use our shoulders in most of the activities during the day at home or the workplace. If you are suffering from shoulder pain or discomfort it will majorly affect productivity & mood. It doesn’t matter what is the underlying cause behind the achy shoulder. Brampton Magnus Rehab will give you a range of treatment options.

Cause Of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be a debilitating condition. Especially when the condition goes unchecked and the pain becomes chronic. Shoulder pain therapy can be extremely beneficial for identifying the cause of the pain in order to provide treatment. Many common causes originate from structural or postural misalignment that leads to inflammation, muscular imbalances and dysfunction. 

Various conditions can cause shoulder pain such as:

  • Impingement
  • Tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Arthritis
  • Dislocation

Whatever the cause is, Brampton Magnus Rehab will offer painless therapeutic techniques to improve your quality of life.

Physiotherapy for shoulder Pain

If you have difficulty in multiple daily tasks such as combing hair, reaching out to the top shelf to place dishes, or you are unable to sleep at night due to shoulder discomfort. Physiotherapy is the best option to get rid of all these symptoms. Brampton Magnus rehab’s dedicated team is willing to give you the top quality physiotherapy services & restore your mobility.

Our team is highly experienced in providing shoulder therapy in Brampton. We have treated many shoulder injuries through physiotherapy to address and correct the underlying condition causing pain and discomfort.

During your assessment, various diagnostic tests will be performed to find out the main cause of pain & discomfort. One of our dedicated physiotherapists will evaluate your joint mobility,   ROMs, muscle strength & biomechanics of underlying structures. Brampton-qualified physiotherapists will give you a specific treatment plan targeting your weaknesses.

Shoulder pain rehab is a common occurrence at Magnus Rehab. Your treatment will consist of various techniques and approaches all targeted to improve your condition and restore function. Treatment options such as exercise therapy, manual therapy and modalities can be used to complete ensure you receive the most appropriate recovery. Our mission is to provide quality care so that patients can feel better and continue to enjoy all life has to offer pain-free. 

What are you waiting for? Schedule your appointment at Magnus Rehab Brampton right now. 


What cause shoulder pain?

There are many possible causes for shoulder pain, however, the most common conditions are often driven by structural and postural complications. These issues can lead to irritation, tissue damage and even more systemic reactions like swelling and inflammation. In order to receive the most appropriate treatment for your specific condition, it’s important to receive an accurate diagnosis by an experienced healthcare professional. 

How long does it take for shoulder physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy for shoulder pain can vary depending on the severity and duration of the injury. If you experienced an acute injury and sought after care in a timely manner, your recovery would be far less than if it was a serious injury that occurred long ago. That’s why it is important to seek treatment from an experienced physiotherapist early on in order to ensure your rehab and recovery is quick and efficient. 

Is physiotherapy good for shoulder pain?

Yes, physiotherapy is a highly effective treatment for shoulder pain and any injuries associated with the condition. Physiotherapists are able to identify the underlying cause of the injury and create a personalized treatment to support the patient’s rehabilitation and recovery. While also providing education and exercises to prevent future injuries. This is beneficial because other forms of treatment provide a “band-aid” approach to minimize symptoms without correcting the actual issue. 

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